Sunday, July 31, 2005

Flushing Day Trippers!

Another Sunday waking up at 7:30 or earlier. I miss sleeping late, or I think I do.

Today Tzu Chi is helding its annual Free clinic in Flushing Sherator Hotel, and me, Big sister Anny, "little friend"Eugenie and Angelina have been summon to man the exit/complimentary-gift booth. Besides a few mix-up with some procedures in the beginning, everything went smoothly. Free clinics, if not properly planned, can often bring inconvenience and iritations to patients as well as volunteer workers. Today's event is a success in that doctors, patients, and volunteer workers were all able to benefit from these interactions while still contributed to the overall utility of the whole system. Economists have an unnatural fondness for efficiency -_-, and today is considered a quite efficient day. Mede tashi mede tashi!

For this post, I decide to use this poem because it reflects a certain sense of boldness and nonchalance, that are so much a characteric of youthfulness, which is what we have, or should have (note: It's youthfulness and not youth, for some of us are, relatively speaking, not young :)



Some pictures:

Sunday, July 24, 2005

A melody remembered....

Reading a Friend's blog, I came across a post about a familiar song.
It's called Kurumi.
It brought back images of 4 guys, way past their prime, trying one last time to dream...
In the end, nothing seems changed;
the creases in their brows did not lessen, their small enterprise failed and everyone went home, respectively, facing the same mundane liives as before.
But something did changed
You could detect, in their fading smiles, a shift of mood, an elation, a fulfillment of a sort.
It's a beautiful image to behold.

Anothing thing...
I've decided to add, along with each of my post, a poem. 'cause I figure nothing can brighten up a shabby abode such as this better than a few lines of crafted jewels from masters of old.
Today, we'll start with this:

彷彿兮若輕雲之蔽月 , 飄飄兮若流風之回雪 .
遠而望之, 皎若太陽升朝霞 ; 迫而察之 , 灼若芙蕖出淥波 .

It's a passage from 曹植's 洛神賦. One of these days, I shall write about the sad but beautiful story behind this poem.
"Pangs of unrequited love", for a poet, nothing more inspiring than this.

Wedding deja vu!

Another weekend, another wedding....
And not only that, it's hosted by the same MC, with the same DJs! And it's the same set of music, gone and through..... talking about coincidentce! Even so, I gotta admit it's a fun night. Wedding, to me, besides been a joyful occasion, is also a meditative experience.

Monday, July 18, 2005

A year long absence....
Let it be known that it's Monday, July 18th, 2005. I am 22 years ago, and I've just attend two of my best friends' wedding. It was a special day, and a lovely day. and I wish them both, happiness and serenity, in this life and the next, until all eternity.