Saturday, February 17, 2007





大阿姨是一個很稱職的老闆。她對員工,只要是肯賣力的,一定報予等值的待遇。所以跟了她的員工,都跟的久,跟的安心。在美華上班的阿姨、叔叔們,背後幾乎 都有一個故事。但到了這裡,得到了一種安定。今晚,從他們不捨的臉上,我看到一種超越雇主與員工的感情。

我 們家的人,one time or another,都在這裡打過工,包括我(送外賣、洗鍋子),弟弟(剝蛋、裝辣椒、洗碗、堂食),甚至三毛姨丈,四阿姨,跟媽媽。一家店,由因緣而起,因 緣而終,卻也造就了無數的因緣。So many memories revolve around this place. I guess I'm gonna miss it, not just for the chicken leg :).

Counting the Loot (that one in the middle is the bingo jackpot; Johnny Boy is treating dinner :P)

Beauty in the House!
Cousins and Bro: From top left to bottom right - Sophia, Mike, Annie, John, Lily, Danny, and Susanna.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
















1 土地公是有求必應的,但前提是肚子得餵飽。 :p
2 土地公是會開玩笑的,大有時候玩笑會很呆,因為土地公本身也很呆。 :)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Excellence is not an act, but a habit.

Saw this commercial a few days ago while watching a televised knicks game in grandpa's house, and I was immediately impressed by the simple elegance of the commercial. It also helps that Yao, one of my favorite player, is the subject of the commercial.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

An Article on Taiwanese Politics

In my view, one of the potentally gravest pitfalls of democratic political involvement is when the people - the ultimate servee and server of the system - begin to take the system itself for granted. They either take its benefit as given, or they see its flaws as something immutable and attempt nothing to correct it. I see the Taiwanese Political Transformation as one of the greatest social experiment of the modern era. For it has shown, and is still showing, the process by which democracy takes root in a country previous ran by a authoritarian government and whose culture , 5000 years + and counting, is often though of by cynics as unfit for democratization. This article, written by a very well-known Taiwanese political and social thinker, was written in response to the recent controversy surrounding Ma Ying Jiu and the so-called "special purpose fund". One can either agree or disagree with her views and her displeasure with Ma's rash decision to resign (afterall that's what democracy is for), but you cannot doubt that it is written with care, earnesty, and intelligence. It is certainly thought-provoking, and in this day and age, that is of the utmost importance.






Saturday, February 03, 2007

AIDS in China

Imagine yourself a normal farmer living your days pretty much as your father and your grandfather had lived it. Your world consists of essentially your home, your crops and field, your family, and those villagers that you called friends.

Then one day, at the urge of local village officials, you were told to sell your plasma. You weren't sure what procedures are involved, but since life for a rural farmer is hardly poetry, you scrap whatever money opportunity you can find. And hey, village officials and the doctors said it's O.K., so it must be alright, right?

Later, much later, you were told, along with dozens, if not hundreds of your fellow villagers, that you were infected with HIV. No officials came to explain or take responsibility for your affliction; no one, except a few doctors came to the village for treatment. You were forced to stay in the village, forbidden any communication with outsiders, and your existence, along with those of your infected villagers, were seem as an annoyance, an eyesore to that giant capitalist machine we call "China". And soon, you feared, you will die and be forgotten, like those neglected fields not far off in the distance.


Read this article last week:
(if the site asks for login, use "" for username and "chien" for password.)

I've always held a contempt for the Chinese government, or for that matter, a contempt for any government that refuse to admit to its mistakes and chose oppression over communication, secrecy over transparency. I am proud to be a Chinese (for the cultural heritage in my veins), just as I'm proud to be a Taiwanese (for the beautiful land upon which I was born and raised). 我對中國,有著一種泅於血中,深切厚重的情感。但透過這篇報導,我看見這個我懷有深重情感的土地,卻是一個踐踏我所有價值認同的國度。A passage in 龍映台's 《請用文明說服我》came painfully to mind:


As a part-time economist, I can say without any attempt at exaggeration that China's economic growth for the last 2 decades is one of the most impressive transformations in modern civilization. But no country is respectable until it treats its people with respect, for a country should exist for no other reason than to serve the welfare of its people. Lastly, to again quote Prof. Lung,
