Wednesday, January 25, 2006

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since I last indite (that's a fancy word for write) on this land of yore. The reason, call it procrastination, or reluctance, or simply a genuine form of laziness, I really don't know. I am please to report, that aside from a brief episode of tooth-ache attack (happened last week - 生命中不可承受之痛), life carries on for 窮書生 in it's usually form of genuine happiness in the dew of little things and the occasional spur of magnificent boredom.

So, what to report... Ah, the books. I am devouring my collection at a steady pace for the last couple of weeks. Finished 九九's 跌倒的小綠人和八花九裂, the first book been a colletion of essays and short stories written when the author was at the tender age of 21. The quality of the prose is amazing. Moreover, she combines a deft hand at pacing her stories with impeccable timing and a sense of 無可奈何的無聊 that's reminiscent of 村上春樹. It's certainly not constructive reading in the academic sense - but it's a joy to read, and that's all it matters

Besides that, I also finish two books by Bill Bryson, "A Walk in the Woods" recounts the author's journey through the 2100-mile Appalachian Trail that stretches from Georgia to Maine. The book is dazzled with an assortment of hilarious and unique characters that he met along the way. Bryson, with his acute eyes and an self-deprecating sense of humor, brings out the beauty and fragileness of this trail, and gave due to it's fascinating history. This is my second time reading the book, and it reaffirms my intent that one day, when I am ready, perhaps with a companion by my side, I too would like to walk the trail.

And then there's "Mother Tongue", Bryson's witty look at the evolution of the English language, (recommended for Anny, with her interest in linguistics), John Battelle's "The Search", a book about Google, the search industry, and the world they reshaped. 朱少麟的傷心咖啡店, 陳舜臣的諸葛孔明, 夢枕貘的沙門空海,聖嚴法師的禪學入門,張愛玲的赤地之戀.....The list goes on, but one thing is certain:
Jack Sparrow: [looking at all the swords] Who makes all these?
Will Turner: I do. And I practice with them three hours a day.
Jack Sparrow: You need to find yourself a girl mate. Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you already found one, and are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet. You're not a eunuch are you?

To conclude today's adventure, let's enjoy a poem together. This poem was written anonymously during the Han dynasty. not to be confused with another lyrical poem of the same title, written by 司馬相如 to 卓文君. 中國文人從古至今一直有一種"吃不到的西瓜最甜"的心理情節,從"所謂伊人,在水一方”到"眾裡循他千百度"表現的都是那苦苦追求,觸手不可及的距離美。對月亮的愛戀亦是如此:

鳳求鳳   漢 佚名
有美人兮,  見之不忘,
一日不見兮,  思之如狂。
鳳飛遨翔兮,  四海求凰,
無奈佳人兮,  不在東牆。
將琴代語兮,  聊寫衷腸,
願言配德兮,  攜手相將。
何時見許兮,  慰我徬徨,
不得于飛兮,  使我淪亡,


Mini-DV said...

now I really wonder your SAT score....

Anonymous said...

happy new year!

i think i need to learn how to love books...

im reading this 450 pgs book for my "education as a social institution" class...and it's going alright, but not loving it...

sometimes i wish i were a bookworm too! =P

riceman said...

賤賤,you never cease to amaze me with the depths of your literary inspirations. you should blog more often. it makes good reading.

eatgod said...

使我淪亡 使我淪亡...

Chien-Chien, are you depressed? as a friend, I do worry about your mental status after thinking the Moon too much...:)

Well, it took Dr. Sun-Yet Seng 10 revolutions to get what he wanted. I am sure you will find the right moon for yourself.

Keep up the good work. Here is the contest I was talking about. Just use what you wrote on your blog and you will be fine:)

【本報記者朱文漢紐約報導】為弘揚中華民族文化精神和激發海外華人之心,中國大陸浙江省德清縣政府與浙江省作家協會、文學報、北京新浪網等單位聯合舉辦的「第二屆孟郊獎全球中文散文大賽」,現正接受報名,至明年 2 月 28 日。

參賽文章須使用漢語寫作,體裁為散文,字數在 1500 至 5000 字為宜,作品須原創,可曾在互聯網上發表。

大賽評委將投票選出21篇優勝作品,獲獎名單將於2006 年 4 月公布。


投稿方式可透過網路投遞,郵箱:,投稿時須填寫筆名、真實姓名、聯繫地址、電話及個人簡介等。也可將作品可郵寄至:中國浙江省德清縣文學藝術界聯合會大賽辦公室,郵編:313200,信封左下角注明「徵文」。欲詢問詳情可電: 0572-8289093 (章小姐)瀏覽: http://cul.

riceman said...

oh yeah, you should definitely enter this contest

Leigo said...

拜託ㄛ,穿 spider 還自稱是窮書生! :-)

Nice post, as always. Come on, join the frequent flyer program. Post more!