Monday, June 05, 2006



我深信我倆是一見鍾情。那年,我少不更事,在異國的土地上做著故鄉的夢。而你,始終如斯的你,卻是成長在New Orleans,及萬人寵愛於一身。邂逅的那一日,我不記得風是在哪一個方向吹,我是在夢裡,在你的懷裡依迴。之後,你,在家巷口不遠處定居,我也成了你的常客。但,就像所有美麗的夢一般,一個細雨微飄的清晨,你走了。

我不斷的找,在街角,在大路。困惑的城市裡,我尋找著你的蹤跡。But like all things, it is those we love and should know who elude us. And the moon never beams without bringing me dreams of you, and the stars never rise but I see your radiant eyes shines like Time Square lights. Slowly, painfully, the thought of you fades, the tastes of your essence cedes into a corner of my heart. Days, weeks, monthes passed by, until one day, unexpectedly, I saw you, on the corner between 14th Street and 5Th, I saw you:
"Popeyes Grand Opening Special!"
"A 2-piece chicken meal with one side order and one medium drink for only $2.99!"


(五月中,與友人於哥大聽佛學演講。事後同于甄及趙伯伯遊於十四街上,見Popeyes Fried Chicken 開張之慶,大喜,特記於此。)


Leigo said...

天啊!這幾天不在,還以為大哥找到了月亮,沒想到是..... 失望啊!

Anonymous said...

whaha, finally got a chance to read it! oh dear, ur lover is popeye's has present itself to u...i wonder when it will leave you again... =)
or you will leave it behind, and find another lover, such as "Zen Palate" or "Wild Ginger"