Friday, August 26, 2005


一  以閱讀為職業是一件好事嗎?當讀書成為一種職業時,還能保持原有的樂趣嗎?作為一個自得其趣的書蟲,閱讀自始至終,追求得是好奇的滿足。而好奇的前提是, 不能執著。「愛讀書,不求甚解,每有會意,便興然忘食。」與有目的性的專業,似乎背道而馳。所以,專業讀書人有,但你說專業的讀書興趣,那是無可能eh代 誌!

二 與其說人生像跳舞,不如說人生像摔跤,因為它需要我們立定腳跟,準備迎 接不可預見的每一攻擊。」古羅馬哲學家皇帝的雋語。閱讀大概也是這樣,你得用心出力,才能獲得對打,乃至壓制作者的樂趣。假如你一無主見軟趴趴的,那麼, 你只能「跳舞」,被作者帶著團團轉,頭昏眼花,分不清東西南北,於是只能說:好!好!

三  書痴是天生的嗎?倒也不一定。「痴」如果不是病,那就另當別論。如果是病,則先天不足,後天失調,都有可能。大體而言,「痴」介乎病與不病之間,要定論, 難也,難也。基本上,書痴者,在於佔有。觀之不足,而必為我之所有;數本之不足,而必朝夕不捨,冀望擁有全部。明明有了平裝本,看到精裝初版加簽名,價錢 多少?三天的薪水?便宜,買!過一陣子又出了限量加長推薦版,how much? a week's paycheck? 爽 這個月不吃早飯! (註:此例僅供君參考,是否真有其人,無須深入)


An arrow and a song by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I shot an arrow into the air
It fell to earth, I knew not where
For so swiftly it flew that the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air
It fell to earth, I knw not where
For who has sight so keen and strong
That it can follow the flight of song

Long long afterward, in an oak
I found the arrow, still unbroke
And the song, from beginning to end
I found again in the heart of a friend.


riceman said...

Cool poem. I'll forward it to my niece Vivian who said she liked the poem at the camp fire but forgot it.

eatgod said...


that poem had won many people's heart:)